Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why Not Today??

We sometimes that what could be done today gets postponed to another day and it so happens that such a day never comes and a missed opportunity is forever lost. The diligent man, however, does not procrastinate but does what is to be done, then and there. It may be that he takes much time to delibrate but once a conclusion is drawn, he doesn't tarry to carry out the decision. There are also some who struggle hard tom come to a decision. The problem that they face seems insurmountable and the decision called for is not taken, Such a person hopes that the delay will blow away the problem altogether. We are told of the ostrich, when it is chased runs very fast but when it eventually tires, it hides its head in the sand, believing the pursuer cannot see it. Is it not better to face the situation, take a decision and get on with life? Even the Gospels advocates the need to make a decision. We cannot always sit on the fence. The psalms of the Old Testament say that God himself helps us to choose wisely [Ps 25:12 "Who are they that fear the Lord? He will teach them the way that they should choose" ]

Nor is it wisdom to compound our problems by delaying the decision making. Procrastination is only an added worry. Jesus says : "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today" [Matthew 6:34] . An action done today is already one task accomplished and thus, one worry laid aside. Ask the Lord to grant you wisdom and calmly do your tasks, leaving the fruit of the task in God's safe hands. When he worries about you, then why should you unnecessarily bother about worrying yourself?

On the contrary, the lazy man keeps postponing his action and hopes that somehow someone or the other would do the task which God had intended him to perform. The book of proverbs has an amusing description of a lazy man. "The lazy man says "there is a lion in the road!! There is a lion in the streets!!". As a door turns on its hinges, so does a lazy man on his bed. The lazy man buries his hand in the dish and is too lazy to bring it to his mouth. The lazy person is wiser in self esteem than seven who can answer discreetly" [Prov 26.13-16] .

So... Let us be up and doing!


MockingBird said...

Hey, what's this? Danny boy quoting from the Bible and taking an anti-procrastination stance??!! Dude, are you on drugs or something? ;)

Child Of Adam said...

it starts with.."we sometimes see that ....".. sorry abt that !!

Child Of Adam said...

@ the great SR : not on dope n all man... im a good boy... and almost bald now. Have been reading the Bible regularly these days man and Father Xavier comes to our house regularly. A lot of it is based on what I remembered from the sermon yesterday. He He

aShyCarnalKid said...

Oh My God ! Did the world just get a sermon on procrastination by the Great Siddhartha himself ? ;) Just kidding , but are you serious ?

Unknown said...

an action taken is one task accomplished.
i will remember that..

Anonymous said...

remarkable...simply amazing...the best i've ever read....one of the greatest...keep it up...good work....