I sat, while it drizzled, alone at the railway station,
"Talk to me", it said," Have with me, a conversation...
You like to be left alone, I know, but we have time to kill,
Your night mail is unduly late, and all that moves is still!"
I unheard what I heard, and not once did I blink,
My Heart looked at me... and for a moment, I think -
it was certain that I would share, convinced that I would talk,
But I ignored it as usual... and got up for a little walk.
"Danny... You're doing it to me over, disregarding me once again,
I have almost had it with you, you know!!", did my heart complain.
A deep breath I took, and silently, walked back to the lonesome bench,
My heart had begun to hurt me now, like a hammer striking a wrench.
"Listen to me Dan... for once in Life.. Listen.. I beg of you,
Your Soul was not so cold as now.. You were not always blue!!
What happened was a long time back, and yes, Memories hurt us still,
but too long have you punished yourself and the void is hard to fill!!
The grief that you carry… the sorrows of your care
All the Pain, locked deep in me, is now difficult to bear!!
the Aches have compounded with time and press against my wall,
I'm afraid I can't take it now, CHANGE... or prepare to fall!!"
The drizzle had turned to steady rain with sudden gusts of wind,
The pain was unbearable now, but all I did was grinned...
The stubborn me, would not bend to the whims & pangs of my heart,
The World's was still a stage, where I was nearing the end of my part.
Stubborn was my Character and Indifference was its hue,
Who had experimented with emotions once that had felt so new.
Deviated from the Script, I had crafted my own lines,
But Reality had other plans, for I had played a part, not Mine!
A searing pain shot through my left, gasping for breath was I,
Cried my heart again to me, “Danny… Change or I –
Will beat no more cause I hurt so much deep inside…
Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you... Long enough I have tried!!”
“You”, I said, “My dear heart, you know me oh so well…
The hurt I have locked inside, I have nobody to tell.
If you feel that if I don’t change, I’ll push us to our end,
Then so be it, dear Heart – but one last favour, I pray you extend.”
“No more favours!!” sighed my heart, “The Pain is too much to endure,
If you aren’t willing to Change, then it’s in vain to beat anymore!!
For once, think about the loved ones, you will leave behind to grieve!!
.. Alas!! Good bye & Sleep Well, Dear Dan, I must now take your leave!!”
There was lull for a while, when neither my heart spoke, nor me,
Silence, only broken by the breeze, rustling up the trees!!
I struggled to get up, I wished for one last stroll…
I stumbled on the rain soaked earth - the last time I did fall.
One loud whistle, then a thunder, the night mail came hurtling by,
Alone drenched on the platform… lay my Woeful Heart & a Lifeless I.